
Website traffic data from Similarweb.

Time series from Similarweb are available through the Exabel platform to anyone with an API key from Similarweb. You can set your API key in the account settings in the top right corner of the Exabel app. We currently only support a single API key per customer. If you set an API key in your account, it can be used by all users that belong to the same customer as you.

The data retrieved from Similarweb are cached with an expiry of 24 hours, so if you make the exact same request multiple times during the same day, only the first one will cost credits. When a signal is evaluated and the data are not found in the cache, a request is sent to Similarweb, and it costs Similarweb data credits in the same way as if you had sent the request yourself.


If you include a Similarweb signal in, say, an alert or a model on the Exabel platform, which is evaluated regularly, the cost will be incurred every time the signal is evaluated and the data are not found in the cache.

sweb_visits(domain: str, source: str = 'all', /, *, country: str = 'world', granularity: str = 'daily', main_domain_only: bool = False, mtd: bool = False)

The estimated number of visitors to a domain.

  • domain – The domain name, for example ''.

  • source – Whether the data should reflect desktop or mobile visits, or both. One of 'all', 'desktop' and 'mobile'. The default is 'all'.

  • country – A filter for country. Either 'world' or a two-letter ISO country code (e.g. 'us'). Which countries you have access to, depends on your Similarweb subscription. The default is 'world'.

  • granularity – The granularity/frequency of the data. One of 'daily', 'weekly' and 'monthly'. The default is 'daily'.

  • main_domain_only – Whether only data for the main domain should be returned, or data for subdomains should be included. The default is False.

  • mtd – (month-to-date) If True, include data up to the last available date. If False, only include data from officially published, complete months. Setting this to True doubles the cost of the request. Requires daily granularity. The default is False.

sweb_pages_per_visit(domain: str, source: str = 'all', /, *, country: str = 'world', granularity: str = 'daily', main_domain_only: bool = False, mtd: bool = False)

The average number of page views per visit.

  • domain – The domain name, for example ''.

  • source – Whether the data should reflect desktop or mobile visits, or both. One of 'all', 'desktop' and 'mobile'. The default is 'all'.

  • country – A filter for country. Either 'world' or a two-letter ISO country code (e.g. 'us'). Which countries you have access to, depends on your Similarweb subscription. The default is 'world'.

  • granularity – The granularity/frequency of the data. One of 'daily', 'weekly' and 'monthly'. The default is 'daily'.

  • main_domain_only – Whether only data for the main domain should be returned, or data for subdomains should be included. The default is False.

  • mtd – (month-to-date) If True, include data up to the last available date. If False, only include data from officially published, complete months. Setting this to True doubles the cost of the request. Requires daily granularity. The default is False.

sweb_duration(domain: str, source: str = 'all', /, *, country: str = 'world', granularity: str = 'daily', main_domain_only: bool = False, mtd: bool = False)

The average duration of a visit, measured in seconds.

  • domain – The domain name, for example ''.

  • source – Whether the data should reflect desktop or mobile visits, or both. One of 'all', 'desktop' and 'mobile'. The default is 'all'.

  • country – A filter for country. Either 'world' or a two-letter ISO country code (e.g. 'us'). Which countries you have access to, depends on your Similarweb subscription. The default is 'world'.

  • granularity – The granularity/frequency of the data. One of 'daily', 'weekly' and 'monthly'. The default is 'daily'.

  • main_domain_only – Whether only data for the main domain should be returned, or data for subdomains should be included. The default is False.

  • mtd – (month-to-date) If True, include data up to the last available date. If False, only include data from officially published, complete months. Setting this to True doubles the cost of the request. Requires daily granularity. The default is False.

sweb_bounce(domain: str, source: str = 'all', /, *, country: str = 'world', granularity: str = 'daily', main_domain_only: bool = False, mtd: bool = False)

The bounce rate for a domain.

  • domain – The domain name, for example ''.

  • source – Whether the data should reflect desktop or mobile visits, or both. One of 'all', 'desktop' and 'mobile'. The default is 'all'.

  • country – A filter for country. Either 'world' or a two-letter ISO country code (e.g. 'us'). Which countries you have access to, depends on your Similarweb subscription. The default is 'world'.

  • granularity – The granularity/frequency of the data. One of 'daily', 'weekly' and 'monthly'. The default is 'daily'.

  • main_domain_only – Whether only data for the main domain should be returned, or data for subdomains should be included. The default is False.

  • mtd – (month-to-date) If True, include data up to the last available date. If False, only include data from officially published, complete months. Setting this to True doubles the cost of the request. Requires daily granularity. The default is False.

sweb_pageviews(domain: str, source: str = 'all', /, *, country: str = 'world', granularity: str = 'daily', main_domain_only: bool = False, mtd: bool = False)

The estimated number of page views.

  • domain – The domain name, for example ''.

  • source – Whether the data should reflect desktop or mobile visits, or both. One of 'all', 'desktop' and 'mobile'. The default is 'all'.

  • country – A filter for country. Either 'world' or a two-letter ISO country code (e.g. 'us'). Which countries you have access to, depends on your Similarweb subscription. The default is 'world'.

  • granularity – The granularity/frequency of the data. One of 'daily', 'weekly' and 'monthly'. The default is 'daily'.

  • main_domain_only – Whether only data for the main domain should be returned, or data for subdomains should be included. The default is False.

  • mtd – (month-to-date) If True, include data up to the last available date. If False, only include data from officially published, complete months. Setting this to True doubles the cost of the request. Requires daily granularity. The default is False.

sweb_uniques(domain: str, source: str, /, *, country: str = 'world', granularity: str = 'daily', main_domain_only: bool = False, mtd: bool = False)

The number of unique visitors to a domain.

  • domain – The domain name, for example ''.

  • source – Whether the data should reflect desktop or mobile visits. One of 'desktop' and 'mobile'.

  • country – A filter for country. Either 'world' or a two-letter ISO country code (e.g. 'us'). Which countries you have access to, depends on your Similarweb subscription. The default is 'world'.

  • granularity – The granularity/frequency of the data. One of 'daily' and 'monthly'. The default is 'daily'.

  • main_domain_only – Whether only data for the main domain should be returned, or data for subdomains should be included. The default is False.

  • mtd – (month-to-date) If True, include data up to the last available date. If False, only include data from officially published, complete months. Setting this to True doubles the cost of the request. Requires daily granularity. The default is False.

sweb_dedup(domain: str, /, *, country: str = 'world', main_domain_only: bool = False)

The number of visitors to a domain, deduplicated across devices. This signal produces four time series, labelled total-deduplicated-audience, desktop-only-audience-share, mobile-web-only-audience-share and desktop-and-mobile-web-audience-share.

  • domain – The domain name, for example ''.

  • country – A filter for country. Either 'world' or a two-letter ISO country code (e.g. 'us'). Which countries you have access to, depends on your Similarweb subscription. The default is 'world'.

  • main_domain_only – Whether only data for the main domain should be returned, or data for subdomains should be included. The default is False.

sweb_global_rank(domain: str, /, *, main_domain_only: bool = False)

The global rank of a domain.

  • domain – The domain name, for example ''.

  • main_domain_only – Whether only data for the main domain should be returned, or data for subdomains should be included. The default is False.

sweb_country_rank(domain: str, /, *, country: str, main_domain_only: bool = False)

The country rank of a domain in a given country. Which countries you have access to, depends on your Similarweb subscription.

  • domain – The domain name, for example ''.

  • country – The two-letter ISO country code (e.g. 'us').

  • main_domain_only – Whether only data for the main domain should be returned, or data for subdomains should be included. The default is False.

sweb_segment(segment_id: str, /, *, metrics: str, country: str = 'world', granularity: str = 'daily', mtd: bool = False)

Return metrics for a segment of a website. Hits are charged per metric.

Segments allow you to analyze a segment or section of a website, by slicing and dicing the website, using groups of URLs that meet specific rules. These must first be created in the Similarweb user interface, before they can be accessed in Exabel.

The signal can return multiple time series, equal to the number of metrics requested.

  • segment-id – Similarweb’s ID for the requested segment.

  • metrics – A comma-separated list of metrics. The supported values are visits, share, pages-per-visit, page-views, bounce-rate, visit-duration and unique-visitors. For example, specify 'visits,visit-duration' to retrieve both visits and duration as two separate time series.

  • country – A filter for country. Either 'world' or a two-letter ISO country code (e.g. 'us'). Which countries you have access to, depends on your Similarweb subscription. The default is 'world'.

  • granularity – The granularity/frequency of the data. One of 'daily', 'weekly' and 'monthly'. The default is 'daily'.

  • mtd – (month-to-date) If True, include data up to the last available date. If False, only include data from officially published, complete months. Setting this to True doubles the cost of the request. Requires daily granularity. The default is False.