
The time series in the Exabel platform are indexed by dates. However, in many time series the data points represent not the value at a specific date, but the value for an entire fiscal period. It is then necessary to determine, for each fiscal period, the date which represents that fiscal period. This can be done in multiple ways, which we call alignments.

A number of signals are able to produce data with different alignments, and these signals accept an alignment argument. Such an argument can have the following values:




Actual fiscal periods: a fiscal period is represented by the last date in the period.


Fiscal periods: a fiscal period is represented by the last date in the period, rounded off
to the end of a nearby calendar month. This is the alignment used in the FactSet data, but
unfortunately, the rounding rule is not uniform across the FactSet datasets. In the FactSet
Fundamentals dataset, a date is rounded off to the end of the previous month if it is the
9th or earlier of a month, and it is rounded off to the end of the same month if it is the 10th
or later of a month. In the Estimates dataset, the rounding does not follow a strict rule. For
FactSet signals, we honour the alignment used by FactSet, which means that fs_actual
and fs_fundamental may produce time series with different dates for the same company.
For non-FactSet signals, we use the deterministic rule used by the FactSet Fundamentals


Publication dates: the date on which the results for the fiscal period are reported.


Report dates: the date on which the report impacted trading. This can differ from the
publication date - when a company publishes results after the market close, the report
date will be the next trading day. For future fiscal periods, the publication and report
dates will be the same, as we do not know whether publication will be before or after
trading hours.